Here I write a little chronology of the way I developed this site

November 4th

I set up the site on Neocities, I knew about Neocities and its convenient features for site creation.

I know basic HTML, and used W3Schools for some help. I put a picture of myself in, typed a few sentences

It does worry me a bit that it is a public website, but the people who will know about it are my friends.

November 5th

I messed around with links and figured out how to make images clickable

At the top of the page I linked to promote the websited of other people.

Early June

It's a little funny that I didn't update this website for half a year

Now that summer has started, I decided to work on it, and make it better

June 12th

I made the main page better, and made the HTML better

June 13th

I created NAV LINKS and 5 sub-pages meant for various topics. I managed to link the pages on the main page

June 14th

I saved the site and I might upload here for archival purposes.

I filled the 5 sup-pages with content, and information.

July 16th

I created the image links in GiMP. I implemented them on the website.